NETVISION - a simple tool for complex (telecom) needs
Netvision is a Telecommunications Networks inventory tool, able to handle complex objects and activities such as:
- GIS system (based on Google Maps) with Sites and Transmission Links planned or installed.
- Line of Sight planning and reporting (including high definition LoS & Panoramics pictures and Terrain Profile simulation)
- Site access, site drawings, floorplans, equipments inventory, antennas inventory
- Microwave Links planning and inventory
- Circuit planning and inventory
- Project Management & Roll-Out activities
By using Netvision as central planning tool, mobile and fixed-line operators can greatly optimize their daily operations by relying on a user-friendly, intuitive and accurate database.
The adoption of appropriate planning/inventory tools is often neglected or considered as an overly complex project. On the other hand, an operator or vendor using un-appropriate tools will have 30% more costs or opportunity losses, because of:
- un-neccessary outage times
- re-works and upgrades
- under or over dimensioned levels of stock
- employee frustration and high turnover rates, etc.
By implementing and customizing Netvision for our clients, we help them cope with these issues and bring significant, tangible added value.
Netvision Powerpoint presentation.