LoS Database
IMK - simple tools for complex needs
As a result of our long time activities in Transmission Networks Design, we recently developed a Line of Sight Database, as a common platform used by Transmission Planners, Site Surveyors and Project Managers, to request, execute, store and track Line of Sight, Panoramics and Audit reports.
The IMK LoS DB allows Telecom Operators to create LoS requests, sending automatic notifications to Surveyors whenever a new request is created, storing reports with high-definitions photo's, displaying LoS links on Google Maps as well as many other project-specific customizable tasks, that will increase the productivity of your teams and secure your data.
For a better overview, don't hesitate to register and test our Demo LoS DB.
Our LoS Database can be purchased as a stand alone product or it can be embedded in Netvision.