IMK - simple tools for complex needs
This simple but effective Android App and its pair Web tool will let you draw directions on a Google Map, by specifying the desired azimuth or by dragging and dropping the far end of the line.
Once you identified a reference point in the field, in the direction where your antenna points to, you can draw the line on Google Maps and clicking on the far-end point will display the azimuth.
To point your antenna, you draw the line in the given azimuth, find a reference point on Google Maps, then turn your antenna towards the reference point (you may use a cell aligner for better results).
You can find more about the Azimuth Android App from Google Play by clicking the icon below. The Pro version is available for 14 days Trial, after that you can continue with Azimuth Free and its few limitations or pay a decent fee for enjoying all the benefits of the Pro version as well as the Web tool.
The Azimut Web tool does just the same but is more suitable for office environments. The Web tool and the App are synchronized, meaning that whatever map you save on either one, it will be available on the other one.
The Web tool is only available as a Pro version, we don't have a Free version. You can access it here below with your Google account and enjoy the 14 days trial that comes along.
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